Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weight Loss Plan

#  Go to your doctor to find out exactly how much you should be aiming to lose, if any. Your doctor can also help you determine whether you're physically capable to do strenuous exercises and workouts. They can also give you some basic tips on calorie counting and decide what will work best for you. I understand many people don't like the stress of going to the doctor with the possibility of being diagnosed with something critical, but just get over it and go. It's not going to hurt you. In fact, it will do the ''exact opposite''. It's better to know now when it's early than later in bed at three in the morning.
#  Go to the local supermarket and stock up on fresh, healthy food. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's healthy and non-healthy so don't stress over this too much. The key here is that you're going to be doing a lot of snacking throughout the day so try to buy [a lot] of snacks. No, I don't mean Lays Potato Chips and Doritos. I mean berries, melons, assorted nuts (except cashews), Nature Valley granola bars, apples... you get the picture. Oh yeah, pick up a couple of sticks of sugarless gum (Orbit is best, in my opinion). They're very helpful when dealing with snack cravings.
#  Buy or make your own calendar. This will be the number-one most important thing here. If you're feeling artistic, you can make your own calendar using a computer software program and design to your heart's desire. Just make sure you have enough months in your calendar  (EX: If you're aiming to lose 30 pounds, have at least 4 months. If you're aiming to lose 100 pounds, have 12 months. If you need to lose more than 100 pounds, I'd recommend asking a doctor how long it should take you).
#  Pick a day where you don't have much planned (preferably within the week) and circle it with a Sharpie marker. This will be your starting point. Go to the back of your calendar and circle an appropriate day in which you will finish. This way, you'll have a specific deadline to meet which will give you a path to follow. Now it's time to get logical and a little creative. Take three Sharpie markers of different colors (let's use blue, pink, and gray in this case). Using three forms of exercise (strength training, walking, and cardio in my case), assign a color to each.
#*Strength Training = Blue
#*Walking = Pink
#*Cardio = Gray
#*Mark on your calendar which days to do each specific workout.
#*It's better to assign your tasks randomly so that a) you won't get sick of the same routine and b) so that you can "shock" your body into losing weight.
#  Post your calendar in a spot where you'll always see it and don't forget to do what it says. If it says you have to do cardio, do it. If you're a little sore, don't make it so intense; jump rope if your muscles are sore.
#  Assign yourself a reward at the end of every other week if you manage to keep on track. For reward week, make the reward worth more. Here are some examples:
#*After 2 weeks - day of relaxation
#*After 4 weeks - manicure at the salon (yes, guys can get manicures, too; have those nails buffed!)
#*After 6 weeks - dinner at an exquisite restaurant
#*After 8 weeks - haircut and dye
#*After 10 weeks - bowling night with your friends/family
#*After 12 weeks - buy three new outfits at your favorite store
#*After 14 weeks - facial and massage at the spa
#*After 16 weeks - shopping spree!
#  Remember the age-old saying, "Don't give up!" It's true, do NOT give up. The hardest part about losing weight is getting started, so the earlier you start, the more you'll be inclined to finish. If it helps, think about your next reward week. Imagine yourself cutting into a tender piece of steak in a dimly-lit restaurant wearing a cherry red dress or showing off your bowling skills to your buddies down at the local alley.
#*Try not to think about the facial massage or shopping spree when you're only at week two because you'll get discouraged if you don't lose the amount of weight you hoped you would lose. If you're on week 3, only think about that manicure!
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